Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Frustrated with his eating....

I am so frustrated with Parker's eating habits. It makes it really hard on all of us. He only has about 15 foods he likes and it's hit and miss with them. Right now he eats about a bag of goldfish crackers a day. (Only the rainbow ones will do) I have a hard time getting him to eat anything else but sausage, chicken bites or taco meat and shredded cheese. He would live on that diet if I let him. He won't eat any vegetable. The only fruits he will eat, off and on, are strawberries, banana's and apples. He won't take a vitamin. He won't take any medicine, I have to put it in his drink. It's hard. We plan our meal and then try and figure out what to feed him. We are working with his OT to try and help him but it's a slow process. The good thing is that he will put foods up to his mouth or smell them. Some people with autism won't even do that. He smells everything he eats. He is very stuck on certain brands of things. We are working to change that. We are slowly adding something of a different brand, etc. I hope that as he ages his eating improves. Some things he ate when he was 2, he won't eat anymore. He just looks at things and says he doesn't want to eat them. He also goes through phases with what he will eat. For a while he wanted Chicken Top Ramon soup every day, sometimes twice a day. Now he won't touch the stuff. Packing a lunch for school is really hard. There isn't much I can pack him that he likes. The only day he really eats is when we send him taco meet and shredded cheese. The other days I send him salami and cheese or chili. Half of the time he won't eat anything in his lunch. I'd love for him to eat a hot lunch but I think it will be a while before that happens. Well, I just had to vent a little. People think it's so easy to just make him eat something but that is not true at all. He will puke, cry, throw a fit and just plain refuse to eat anything. I do not want to get into that battle. Anyways, that's enough of my bellyaching for the day. Everyone have a great day!


Marshella said...

"People think it's so easy to just make him eat something but that is not true at all. He will puke, cry, throw a fit and just plain refuse to eat anything. I do not want to get into that battle."

I'm right there with you! Even my husband seems to not get this concept. Trying to force him to eat anything is just a fit waiting to happen. One thing we've tried with Deklan is a racing game. "I bet I can finish my ____ before you can." Sometimes this works when nothing else will. One thing I've noticed about Deklan is that he has a thing with food that is mixed. Example: mixed veggies - separate them first and he'll eat everything except the peas.

Hang in there - you are definitely not alone.

By the way, I like your April Awareness picture for today. Cute!

Anonymous said...

My daughter is 12 now and over the years we've really struggled with her eating habits. Now that she is older she is much more willing to try new foods (though she still has very strong aversions to certain textures.)

Have you tried gummy bear vitamins? Both my children do well with those (in fact we have to hide them from my daughter) they have a less strong vitaminy taste than most children's vitamins.