Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's crazy around here!....

It's been crazy around here getting the house cleaned, planning Molly's party and getting ready for school. I'm pretty mad tonight, I got a message from Parker's bus driver. They are going to pick him up at 6:30 am for school. No way! There is no way I would put my son on the bus at that time. It leaves me no choice, I'm going to have to take him every day or they are going to get another person to take him. That makes me so mad! I will be talking to some people on Monday. He can ride it home because it comes at a normal time, but I'll even have to see about that. We live 10 minutes from the school. It's not just a quick jaunt. It's not even in the same town as us.

I'm also stressing about all the shopping I have to get done tomorrow. Sigh......

Wake me when Monday is here!


Anonymous said...

That is just crazy! 6:30!! The bus that goes by our house comes at 7 and the elementary school starts at 7:30. It's 8 miles away. That's reasonable since it has to pick kids up.

I wouldn't have waited until Monday! :p

You'll have to tell us all about your shopping excursion!!


Betsy Brock said...

6:30??? That is crazy!

Tereza said...

that's weird! poor kid!

Bobbi said...

Shannon, for some reason yesterday I was thinking it was Saturday. I'm calling him today. Don't worry, he's not riding that bus.

Anonymous said...

That's ok. I thought yesterday was Friday. lol!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I hope you get that worked out. I can't believe how early your schools all start. Elementary schools start at 9, here.

Anonymous said...

9? They sound like executives. Are they getting out at 5? lol! I had to say that!

It's quite convenient for parents around here. The bus comes and then you leave for work. How do parents manage with it staring at 9?


mommy~dearest said...

6:30 is nuts. I still have no idea what time our bus is coming for Jaysen...I'm supposed to get a postcard next week.

Anonymous said...

No idea! They get out around 3 or 3:30, I think. I got the call this afternoon that Daniel's bus comes at I immediately called the Superintendent's Office and they are mailing me the homeschool form today. Sorry we're talking over your comments, Bobbi!!!

Marshella said...

Is that the regular bus or a special bus for Parker?

Deklan rides the gen ed bus but our neighbor (Asperger's) rides a bus that comes for him and they pick him up at 7:30 - 15 minutes earlier than the regular bus. The two younger get picked up at 7:45 and home at 4:25. My oldest daughter gets picked up at 6:45 and gets home at 3:25.
Good luck.