Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A new blog site!

Hi. My name is Bobbi and I'm a sahm to 2 kids. Molly 9 and Parker 5. Parker has autism and Molly has mild ocd. They are both my blessings and I love them so much. I am married to the best guy you could ever meet, and his name is also Bobby. We have 3 cats, 3 fish and a hamster. We have a lot going on but we have a very happy family! I hope you'll stick around and see what we are all up to.

I'll talk about today. Today I took Fluffy (the hamster) to Molly's school for show and tell. He did great and even did a few tricks like climbing up the side of the cage and not peeing on Molly when she picked him up. You could tell she was really proud of him and was proud to share her cool pet. I'm really glad we decided to get him for her. Tonight Bobby has bowling and I was supposed to have an autism support group meeting. With Bobby bowling there is no one to watch Parker. I'm bummed but there is always next month.


Ronda said...

I went onto it was a neat site. I like your blog page. I'll check it out again.

Anonymous said...

i'm gonna make my own site about it