Friday, November 14, 2008

Have been busy packing....

First I packed our cat Daisy. I love that she is meowing or yawning in this picture. She looks vicious, lol!

Then Parker packed Molly up. He really enjoyed it.

Then I packed both kids.

At least some of my stuff is ready to go, lol!

No really, I have been doing some packing. I still have a ton more to do though!


danette said...

LOL - looks like they are having a ton of fun! Good luck with the move :)

kristi said...

Too cute! Hang in there, moving sucks!

Anonymous said...

I am happy your move is working out.
It looks like Daisy, Parker, and Molly are having a good time packing(or being packed) lol...
Good luck. Thoughts and prayers from Georgia going your way.
Have a good weekend.

Jen - Queen of Poo said...

Ah, kids and boxes. I bet I could throw away half of my girls' toys if I promised them a great big box. lol

Bonnie said...

make sure you poke some holes in the boxess for the kids and cat! Hee hee