Monday, September 8, 2008


I'm feeling kind of unhappy with Parker's new teacher. Personally, not the way she teaches. She is just not super friendly. Sometimes I say things and she doesn't say anything back. She is one of those thinkers, who don't talk a lot. That's hard for me to deal with because I do talk a lot. Parkers last teacher was wonderful and so friendly. Same with the aids in the class. Parker's old teacher thinks Parkers new teacher is great and has some great ideas. That's great she has great ideas, but I wish she was a little more friendly. Who knows, maybe she's just nervous being new and all. We are in the process of looking for a new house, in the same town where Parkers school is and the college I go to. Then he might go back to his old preschool and I won't have to drive as far. Bobby either, since he works in that town. Everything we mostly do is in that town. My Mom lives there also. We live in a tiny town that barely has anything. Everything is overpriced in the stores because the town is a tourist town.

Off that rant, Parker got some new boots this weekend. He really needs tennis shoes, but he wanted the boots. I got them for him because he's never owned a pair of boots. In fact, he used to be afriad of them to the point where he wouldn't even try them on. He looks really cute in them. They are the red, Lightening McQueen ones.

I'm kind of down today because of the lack of interaction with Parker's teacher this morning. I can't let it get me down though, because that is just her personality. I guess I just have to know that we are 2 very different people and she is not there to make me happy, just to teach my son. Teachers are not there to entertain the parents, I know. It's just that it's hard going from a sweet, talkative, caring teacher, to one that doesn't talk much. I hope everyone has a nice day. It's overcast here today and i hope it stays that way. It's been hot lately!


Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon! Sorry to hear about Parker's teacher. Maybe she was having a tough morning?? Hopefully it gets better.

Lori said...

I don't care who you are, it's much easier sending your child to a kind, sweet, loving teacher.

I'm sorry she's been a hard personality for you to interact with, let's just hope she's better with the children:)

Good luck finding a new home too!

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with Julie. Did you go at a bad time? Go again just to see if that's just how she is or not.

I hope you find a house. :)


kristi said...

Last year, TC's teacher was very nice but she always sent notes home saying he was NAUGHTY. She even sent me an e mail one day telling me I may need to come to the school and HELP her deal with him. Not good!!

This year, it has been better but my sister is all up in my business because she works next to my son's school. She wants to go over there and walk into his classroom like she is his MOM. So this year has had its challenges too, mainly because of my sister!

kristi said...

Last year, TC's teacher was very nice but she always sent notes home saying he was NAUGHTY. She even sent me an e mail one day telling me I may need to come to the school and HELP her deal with him. Not good!!

This year, it has been better but my sister is all up in my business because she works next to my son's school. She wants to go over there and walk into his classroom like she is his MOM. So this year has had its challenges too, mainly because of my sister!

Bobbi said...

She's been this way the whole 2 weeks he's been there. I know it's hard, her being a new teacher and all. She's kind of funny to me as a teacher, she is young, dresses young and has tatoos. Not much of a teacher image, lol. Kristi, that last teacher TC had sounds like she didn't know how to deal with kids. Sorry about your sister butting in. That would be hard and annoying. I hope you get it figured out.

Anonymous said...

Oh. :0/ That stinks. I'll be thinking of you.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

I'm having the same problem with Kameron's teacher. He had such a fabulous year last year and I just feel like he's not getting the same quality this year. *sigh* It's hard, I know. Keep on keeping on!

Bobbi said...

Thank you guys for all the nice comments. That made me feel a lot better.

mommy~dearest said...

If Parker is responding well to her, I would relax about her interactions with you. You're right that the important thing is teaching (and reaching) your son. If you're a talker, he may welcome the fact that she isn't?

Bobbi said...

Hey, lol! You saying I talk too much! Lol!

mommy~dearest said...

Haha! YOU said it yourself! :)