Sunday, March 8, 2009

He's sick again...

This time it's the flu. He has a high fever and says his body hurts. I may take him to the Dr. tomorrow to make sure it isn't his ears or anything. Poor little guy. He even refused Coke. I worry when he gets sick because it's hard to get him to drink. He also won't take medicine orally so that makes it doubly hard. He throws up if it even touches his mouth. He's been sick the last 3 Mondays. The school is going to think I'm making it up.


Michelle S. said...

Hi Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope your son feels better! Daniel used to throw up all medicine too. Things like that get better as they get older. . . just remember that!

kristi said...

Poor guy...hope he feels better soon. TC is sick too, with allergies. I hope he doesn't throw up because of drainage. UGH.

mama edge said...

Two words: acetominophen suppository! It's saved our lives many times. Your pharmacy likely has it stored in its refrigerator. Once the aches and fever are under control, my boys can always drink again and get back on track.

mama edge said...

BTW Hope you don't think me presumptuous to have just blog-met you and then suggested you stick something up your child's rectum.

Betsy Brock said...

Get well, Parker!

Bobbi said...

Mara, lol, that's what we've been using already. Seriously, he prefers a suppository to medicine, I even asked him which one he wanted. Those things are a life saver.