It is just a mess. Why is it that just 2 days of not keeping up with it just trashes our house.
Right now I have the washer, dryer and dishwasher going. After the dishwasher is done I have to fight it to get it open since our handle is broken. It opens the easiest right after it's been ran, I don't know why.
I have to vacuum, sweep, do more dishes, laundry, clean the bathroom and change my bedspread. My new comforter that I got is just too hot. I am going to have to put it away for the winter. I think I'm going to get out my light, purple quilt instead. I really like it too.
It's 10:30 and I haven't even combed my hair yet. I'm sitting at the computer when I should be up doing stuff. Oh well, it's my last week of summer so I should enjoy it. I have to door open because I'm watching for rain. It's raining at my Moms house about 20 minutes away. It should be here soon. I love the rain when it hasn't rained in a while.
I really need to get back to my "Flylady" routines. When I stick to them the house stays nice.
For lunch we are having egg salad sandwiches. That makes me hungry already. The kids are in the kitchen playing games. I left them out from last night. Oh well, I guess that's one benefit to being messy, lol.
Molly and I need to finish the pinata today. It's not perfect, but we did it ourselves so that made it worth it. This week will be all about deep cleaning for Molly's party on Saturday and planning the food. Molly can help me now because I decided she shouldn't do soccer this year. I just think we have too much going on right now and she already has swim team and girl scouts.
I really dread soccer every year. Parker hates it. He spends most of her game trying to get away from me and wanting me to chase him. It's hard to sit and watch her. Bobby usually works on Saturday so its usually me that goes with her. This year with me starting college, I just didn't want to deal with it. I think she can go back to it next year if she wants to.
That's about it for my day. Sorry about the ramble.
Quit being so sorry for everything. You are suppose to ramble! :)
I started a new cleaning routine and it is keeping me on my toes!! Wow! I'll share at the end of the week! :)
Don't know how I missed this post! I'm always feeling behind with the house, too. I feel like it's a big juggling act. It's hard to homeschool, socialize, clean our house, go to therapy, go to storytime, clean for my grandma, put laundry away, plan lessons for the next few weeks, exercise, take care of the yard at least a little, cook, etc. When I'm on top of things in one area, the others suffer. Today we had a wonderful homeschool and daytrip, then dinner with my parents. The house is trashed. At least the kitchen is since that's our "headquarters"!! The school room, bathroom and livingroom are in good shape. :) Good luck with preparations for Molly's party!! I loved doing Daniel's. I hope you all have a great time!
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