Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thinkng about summer

I have got to get some sort of schedule in place or its going to be miserable. Im worrying about it already. Anyone have any good ideas?


Shiloah Baker said...

Well, I don't do schedules, I do rhythms...but how about coming up with 10 fun things to do (or more) and typing them up and putting them on the fridge. When summertime boredom hits, have the kids look at it and pick something. Then you can use that time for a good book or blogging. I love doing this because I don't have to "entertain" or have to come up with new ideas every time there is a lull in the day...

Unknown said...

I'm having a hard time coming up with summer activities, too. It sure is different not to have school to take up a kid's time. I haven't read much of your blog yet. Are you a biomed mom?