Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oh Joy

I have been really getting into crafts lately. Molly and I have been busy making things in our spare time. I have found some new craft blogs that I love. Check my sidebar for them under craft blogs. I'm still making headbands and barettes also. I hear there is a craft fair coming up and I'd like to try and sell some. It's raining today and I love love love it. It is so nice and cozy. We have a fire going and everyone is wearing their warmer clothes.

This next week is going to be really busy. We have a bunch of Halloween events to go to. Saturday my daughters school is having a fall fesitval/fundraiser for the 8th graders trip. I am supposed to help at the festival and bring: 1 dozen cupcakes, 2 cakes, a large bag of candy and a prize for bingo. Plus I am helping out after church on Sunday to get ready for their craft fair and baking a cake for their cake walk. Whew. Not to mention Parker's school Halloween party, feild trip and trick or treating itself.


dluvscoke said...

Oh, I love cake walks!
Enjoy the busy moments. The kids grow up so fast! My baby is almost 19 :(

Musings From A French Cottage said...

You know, I was just thinking yesterday, how busy the month of October is. It always seems to be a month full of school meetings, field trips, school party planning, etc...BUT...I do enjoy every mionute of it. I know it's going to pass me by in the blink of an eye! Happy weekend to you!

God Bless,